Writers on Writing: Elle Casey

ellecasey_headshot_mediumElle Casey is a prolific, NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling American writer who lives in France with her husband, three kids, and several furry friends. She writes in several genres and publishes an average of one full-length novel per month.

DM: What is the most important thing you’ve learned about writing?

EC: That it can change people’s lives for the better by giving them an escape, a laugh, a feeling that they’re not alone, or something to dream about.

DM: How has this helped you as a writer?

EC: It inspired me to keep doing it, even when it’s tough, even when it feels like work.

DM: Mac or PC?

EC: Mac! Forever and always. I’ll never go back to a PC.

DM: Do you use Word or Scrivener?

EC: I use Dragon to dictate and then I upload my dictation to Scrivener most of the time or otherwise type right into Scrivener. I don’t use Word anymore except for editing with my outside editor.

DM: Do you write or take notes with an iPad or tablet?

EC: Nope. I’m a really fast typer on a regular keyboard, so using finger tapping on smaller devices is agonizingly slow in comparison.elle-at-work-with-assistant-noelle

DM: Do you have any writing rituals?

EC: I put on headphones and listen to white noise to block out the family and any distractors. I also tend to have a cup of hot tea nearby.

DM: Do you start by writing or researching first?

EC: Always writing. I stop and research as needed, as things pop up in the book.

DM: Favorite spot to write in the winter?

EC: In my bed, on the couch, in my favorite armchair next to the fireplace, or in the car when I’m parked outside my daughter’s horseback riding lesson. . . wherever I can find a spot that’s warm and quiet!

DM: Favorite spot to write in the summer?

EC: Outside in the yard under a tree.

Visit Elle’s website for the latest news.

Copyright © 2016 by Diane Morasco

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